Monday, December 5, 2011

The Opening of the New Center for Young Adults in Rome, Italy

We are happy to report on November 28, 2011 the Center for Young Adults was opened in Rome, Italy! Hooray!!! We are having so much fun with all of the great things to do and the wonderful people and yummy food!

We have Basketball, Ping Pong, Golf, Wii, Paddle Ball and much much more!!! Ha ha! We are making so many new friends and having a lot of great spiritual discovery! We have Family Home Evening on Monday night, Institute (Old Testament) on Wednesday, Institute (Leadership) on Friday night! The Center is open Monday through Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. . Ages 18 to 30 are invited to come!

We have a list of 230 Young Adults and we are in the process of contacting all of them to invite them to the Center! As of now we are meeting in the Rome, Stake Center. We are hoping we will be able to have a building of our own in the not to distant future!

Balls flying everywhere!!

Watch the backhand.

Kill shot.

Opening day with the first arrivals.
The fun has begun!

The Center is really hoppin'! 













Thank you for all of your prayers and all of your support!


  1. This looks so fun and like you have lots of great looking people going! I hope more and more keep coming (I'm sure they will when they get word of the AMAZING couple running the place!). You both look so good and happy!

  2. And are those ping pong tables?? They are so small!!!

  3. WOW!! Can I come and play?? It looks like everyone is having a BLAST!! And what a beautiful bunch of young adults!! Hubba Hubba!

  4. WOW!! I am just sitting here in TOTAL AMAZEMENT!! When I served in Rome, 1980-81, there weren't any CHURCH BUILDINGS in the ENTIRE mission, let alone a Single Adult Activity Center!! I LOVE SEEING the growth via your blog, Anziano & Sorella Krueger!! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing. Seeing all of this is just MAKING MY DAY!!

    God bless & Tante belle cose,

    :) Sorella Gina Focosi, Italy Rome, 1980-81
