Sunday, April 22, 2012


The Rome Temple site is about 8 minutes from our apartment.  We drive by almost everyday.  The problem is there is nothing to see because there is a very tall fence (that you can't see through) along the entire property..... so we went on top of a very high building to check things out!  When we first arrived here in Italy in October we couldn't see anything above the fencing, but now we see lots of re-bar and walls going up!  It is very exciting!

This is the Rome Temple!!!  It is an oval shape and there are also three other very large buildings on the property!  So, there is the Temple, a Stake Center, a Visitors Center and Patron Housing.

There are five very large cranes on the site and they are hard at work!  Behind the Temple to the left is the Patron Housing.  The row of Umbrella Palm trees is the entrance onto the grounds.  The Stake Center is behind the trees and the Visitor's Center is behind the large crane.  

This picture allows you to see the Patron Housing a little better.  We are standing on top of a building at the Porta di Roma, which is a mall here in Rome.  We are actually across a highway but this is the best we can do for now!

As you can see, we are standing next to the theatre on top of the mall, but you can see the Temple site in the background!  Everyone here is so excited for this Temple.  It seems like every week someone is talking about it in Church and crying because they are so excited about it!  Larry was very touched and became very emotional when President Monson announced the upcoming Temple being built here in Rome!!!
We will take more pictures and keep you updated on the progression of the Temple!  If you would like more information you can check out and
We have added more information on our blog with updated pictures. 
The Rome Temple Site (Part 2)

Love you all!!!  Love,  Lynne and Larry


  1. How awesome! Brother Paul Carter alerted me of your blog, and I'm so glad he did! I served in Rome in 1993-1994. Dare I say it changed my life forever! I'm the Stake YW President here in Colorado and I have kept the girls apprised of the progress as I learn of it. I hope you won't mind me sharing these photos. It's so exciting isn't it. I still remember us talking about 'baptizing a Stake so they can get a Temple.' how wonderful to be there and see the progress! Italy is always in our family prayers, as my husband served in the Padova Mission (which is no more).

    1. Hi from Rome,

      We are very happy to share the pictures of the Rome Temple site with the Young Women of your ward. We added a couple of websites so you can see the beginning of the construction and some other pictures that might be interesting. My husband served his mission here from 1975-1977. I waited for him and so we have both been very interested in the progression of the Temple here in Rome. We will add pictures to our blog as we see progress happening.

      Love, Sorella Lynne Krueger

  2. WOW!! Thanks SO MUCH for this blog! I found it via, Sorella Nicla Covino with whom I served in the Italy Rome Mission from 1980-81. I'm currently living in Chicago and SEVERAL of we returned missionaries from Rome are planning on coming out for the Temple Dedication when it happens. There aren't words. We are ALL so proud and SO EXCITED!! Tante belle cose sempre,

    Sorella Gina Focosi, 1980-81, Italy Rome

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello from Rome! Thank you for your comment on our blog. We are called to open a Centro per i Giovani Adulti a qui in Roma. We opened the Center in November of last year. We are meeting in the Stake Center now (Via Bra 34) and we hope to get a place by Termini very soon. We added a couple of websites (to the Rome Temple Site entry on our blog) so you can get further information on the progression of the Temple here in Rome.

      Thank you for your interest! The Kruegers
